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path: /news/all-about-the-influencer-law-a-temporary-patch-or-a-lasting-measure
Todo sobre la Ley de influencers: ¿un "parche temporal" o una medida duradera?
El gobierno de España aprobó la Ley de Influencers con el objetivo de regular la actividad de los creadores de contenido en redes sociales y proteger a los consumidores de publicidad encubierta o nociva. Esta normativa se aplicar&aacute...
REQUEST_URI: /uncategorized/contact
path: /noticias/apple-ya-pronuncia-inteligencia-artificial-asoma-como-una-estrategia-post-iphone-que-llegara-con-socios
Apple ya pronuncia 'Inteligencia Artificial'. Asoma como una estrategia post-iPhone que llegará con socios
La WWDC de 2023, el evento de Apple para sus desarrolladores en el que reveló las Vision Pro, dejó una curiosidad: la empresa no pronunció ni una vez 'Inteligencia Artificial' pese a ser el tren del hype tecnológic...

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Bidaiondo Articles

Quishing: what it is, how it works and how to avoid and protect yourself from this type of cyber scam

We are going to explain to you what quishing is, a type of scam similar to phishing, but which is based on deceiving you using QR codes. This is a scam in which they pass off a code as legitimate, and take you to a website where they can steal your data. We are going to explain this article by explaining what exactly quishing is, and its main characteristics. This will make you able to identify it and differentiate it from other types of scam,...

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Phishing emails are the source of 90% of attacks on companies

Email is one of the main technological innovations that has revolutionized the way we understand the world, as well as reconfigured the business model. Since its invention in 1965, the evolution of this means of communication has been transgressive, and according to data from Statista, there were already more than 4.26 billion users using email in 2022 and the number of emails sent on that same date amounted to 330,000 million, with a growth fore...

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