WhatsApp Business and SMS, two means that brands must take into account to connect with their customers

Esendex, a company specialized in omnichannel communication solutions, talks about the potential that mobile messaging has for advertisers.

As users receive a large number of emails that get lost in overcrowded inboxes, businesses have the opportunity to increase their omnichannel presence and customer engagement levels by adding WhatsApp Business Platform and SMS to their range of channels. .

And the data supports this theory. Current research suggests that 48% of people spend between four and eight hours a day on their smartphone, while 7 in 10 of us check unread notifications in less than five minutes.

Therefore, there is enormous potential for those businesses that want to establish profitable connections through these avenues. More data. 73% of people use multiple channels during their purchasing process. And those who use four or more channels also spend 9% more, on average, compared to those who use a single channel.

So, WhatsApp Business and SMS are two of the options to take into account in 2024 to connect with customers. Esendex gives six reasons:

Estimated range

Both platforms have broad reach, but WhatsApp is currently projected to become the more critical of the two, with expected spending growth of $2.2 billion by 2024 and year-over-year growth set to increase by 110%.


SMS is available on any device with a working mobile network connection, while users must have an internet connection and download WhatsApp before getting started.

User numbers

With approximately one billion daily active users, WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world. Today, SMS remains the most popular mobile communication channel: 5 billion people send and receive SMS messages.

Open and conversion rates

WhatsApp open and conversion rates can reach 99% and 60% respectively, compared to SMS rates of 98% and 45%.

Shipping volume

On WhatsApp, more than 100 billion messages are sent daily, while 18.6 billion text messages are sent via SMS.

Two-way interaction

Two-way chat is available on all WhatsApp accounts so businesses and customers can chat with each other. Businesses that want the same SMS functionality should use a virtual mobile number (VMN).

“Our research shows that despite the popularity of WhatsApp, with more than two billion monthly active users worldwide, businesses still do not use the platform as much as they could. It makes sense for companies to explore this opportunity and consider adding WhatsApp to their communications portfolio. 61% of us have already chosen to receive appointment reminders or notifications through WhatsApp or are willing to do so. And a staggering 81% are also willing to consider purchasing a product as a result of a marketing message received through WhatsApp,” concludes Laurent Buron, general director of Esendex Spain.

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