Shopify has established new alliances to simplify customer acquisition

Shopify has announced exciting new collaborations that will enhance its Shopify Audiences feature, introduced a year ago. With the aim of simplifying customer acquisition and increasing company income.

The new collaboration features: Snap, Criteo and TikTok. Joining an already impressive list of advertising channel partners that includes Meta, Google and Pinterest.

These partnerships are designed to help merchants reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%, while simultaneously increasing their ROAS exponentially. This is achieved by achieving its clients' objectives more efficiently and profitably.

But the innovations don't end there, as TikTok has also introduced a new Benchmarking feature:

This feature will improve the measurement of ad performance, allowing companies to compare the results of their campaigns with similar companies. The competition has never been so intense, don't you think?

However, David Wurtz, Shopify's vice president of advertising, thinks differently: “Shopify is at the forefront of commerce. Wherever there is an opportunity to connect merchants and buyers, Shopify is there first.” Since the launch of Shopify Audiences last year, our algorithms have become smarter and more efficient thanks to the collective power of our merchants. We have been saying for a long time that trade is not a zero-sum game. “Together, Shopify independent merchants help each other win.”

One thing is clear, the company is taking clear steps to improve its services and allow merchants to increase their income, making it a win-win for everyone.

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