The benefits of Data Clean Rooms

What are Data Clean Rooms and how do they work?

Within the wide and complex world of Data, a new concept has been born, that of Data Clean Rooms, controlled and safe environments where sensitive or confidential data is processed in a way that privacy is guaranteed and privacy and protection regulations are met. of data.

«A Data Clean Rooms is a technological solution that is based on the ability to mix and match data sets from different organizations or players. In this case, an easy way to understand it would be the “Switzerland” of the data. This is what it is called on many occasions due to the neutral nature it has, in the sense that we have two organizations, each with its data sets, and the Data Clean Room as a platform has the capacity to ingest that data in a way anonymized and once inside, carry out a series of matching functions over which visibility is very limited at the privacy level," explains Juan.

Furthermore, this type of space can play an important role in building a cookie-free future. "You already know that there is a debate about which identity solutions will survive the cookieless world, and Data Clean Rooms are a perfect complement to these solutions," adds Mario.
How to carry out a project of these characteristics

As Mario explains, to better understand this aspect, it is essential to take the context into account. The first Data Clean Rooms emerged from initiatives led by World Gardens, a term that encompasses technology giants such as Google, Meta and Amazon. Among them, Google introduced its Data Hub, Meta launched Advanced Analytics, and Amazon developed Amazon Marketing Cloud, a Data Clean Rooms service managed by Amazon Ads. These Data Clean Rooms, operated by World Gardens, are specifically designed to advertise within their own channels, representing an important advance in the management and utilization of data for effective advertising strategies.

“The interesting thing is to have a Data Clean Room that is independent to be able to combine data sets from advertisers and publishers outside the World Gardens. The idea is that the main direct advertising sellers, which are publishers and advertisers, can benefit from privacy-based idea matching, while still increasing their own CRM or identity data,” explains Mario.
Safe Event, a success story

One of the advantages that Data Clean Rooms provide is the fact of using the results obtained to execute different marketing activities. These activities include, among other things, creating specific audiences, obtaining customer insights, determining the reach or frequency of campaigns, or analyzing detailed campaigns.

In the case of LiveRamp, they use a tool called “Safe Event”, which is a kind of data clean room specifically designed for these operations. It is a “data greenroom” that provides a secure environment to work with data effectively in the field of marketing.

An example of success that Mario mentions in the podcast is the case of Carrefour in Spain. Numerous companies, especially those related to mass consumer goods (CPG), are using Carrefour information to run advertising campaigns both in closed environments (World Gardens) and on the open Internet (Open Internet). In short, many CPG brands use Carrefour data to launch advertising campaigns effectively.

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