Omnichannel and its advantages for ecommerce.

The growth of electronic commerce has been exponential in the last two years, many more people have found digitalization the best way to make all kinds of purchases. This astronomical growth in customers and transactions has presented companies with a major challenge: generating seamless shopping experiences.

Consumers want to feel accompanied and, regardless of the size or recognition of the ecommerce, they expect to receive exceptional attention. Faced with the great challenge of being present for buyers at any time, omnichannel emerges as a viable and effective alternative that is bringing numerous benefits to online stores.

Every day more e-commerce decide to apply an omnichannel strategy to be more accessible to their customers, provide smooth and uninterrupted support and communicate with users in a much more personalized way.

Similarly, optimizing touchpoints can create better integration of physical and digital store operations so that customers can seamlessly move between different sales channels. Omnichannel is, today, the standard for customer-focused companies and these are its benefits:

Optimized purchase cycles
Omnichannel communications management allows the consumer to complete their purchase cycle from their preferred channels, without interference. This implies that the process is seamless and the consumer can return to their purchase intention at any point.

With omnichannel, it is the customer who chooses the service channel, so they feel they have full control of their purchasing decisions and perceive that the business is geared towards meeting their needs. In this sense, the integration of channels improves the customer's life cycle and lengthens their permanence as a recurring customer for the company.

Efficient business integration
Good omnichannel software can integrate very important departments or areas of an organization, since its data collection and analysis capacity makes this program very suitable for inventory management tasks, customers, resource planning, supplier relations, accounting , among others.

For example, an omnichannel PBX platform can integrate with CRM and ERP and provide data for executing marketing campaigns, responding to social media contacts, and helping establish a highly accurate, unified back-office process.

Likewise, the virtual switchboards are linked to channels such as instant messaging, forms, chatbots, email, and live chat to quickly respond to customer requests, providing quick solutions to queries and reducing friction or incidents. Therefore, satisfaction increases and with it the retention of valuable customers.

This then becomes less manual work with innovative automations that will prevent operational errors and reduce costs. Likewise, more immediacy in customer service, since companies only have to plan a strategy to apply to all their channels and not manage them independently.

More customer knowledge
Another advantage of omnichannel is that, thanks to its implementation, companies can learn much more about their customers and find out in detail what their consumption habits are and the interactions they carry out before making a purchase.

Omnichannel software, being linked to an e-commerce, allows for better customer follow-up, knowing what their queries are before placing an order, the products that interest them the most and when is the right moment when they most need support. This is also of great value for inventory organization and avoiding stock-outs.

Access to advanced reports
The integration of voice and digital channels helps companies to consolidate advanced quantitative and qualitative analytics, which can be completed or compared with statistics from social platforms, advertisements, CRM, among others. In addition, omnichannel is used to collect first-hand data from users and this can then be used to create highly personalized services.

The metrics obtained can reveal potentially very profitable niches within the target audience and that can generate additional income by offering them certain services or customized products.

Well designed, the omnichannel strategy will be the key to managing sales through different channels and making customers live unique shopping experiences. The consumer can start his cycle on social networks or an advertisement, contact by messaging, email or make a call to request more information about the service, before completing the purchase.

At each of those touch points, an agent or automation will guide you one step closer to conversion. Inquiries will continue, without the customer having to start the conversation from scratch and, in general, the purchase journey will be easier. And this is what ecommerce customers expect and companies that know how to take advantage of omnichannel will have a competitive value.

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