Neuromarketing is responsible for 10% of sales

AI applied to retail grows by 29.70% thanks to machine learning algorithms that offer personalized product recommendations and segmented advertising.

Companies that adopt new trends in neuromarketing have managed to increase their sales by an average of 10%, according to data from Nielsen and included in the report 'New trends in neuromarketing: connecting emotions with success', published by EAE Business School, belonging to Planeta Training and Universities.

According to Pilar Navarro, professor at EAE Business School and author of the report together with professor Alejandro Alegret: “Neuromarketing research has shown that emotions play a crucial role in the purchasing decision-making process.” The report highlights examples from companies such as John Lewis, Apple, Coca-Cola and Dove, which have demonstrated how successful neuromarketing goes beyond influencing purchasing decisions, establishing meaningful connections between brands and consumers.

Neuromarketing has also been boosted thanks to the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics. According to the EAE report based on Statista estimates, the global AI market in retail shows an annual growth of 29.70% and highlights personalization as one of the most important areas with the greatest potential for consolidation. AI allows companies to use machine learning algorithms to offer personalized product recommendations to customers and users, as well as segmented advertising that facilitates impact and allows campaigns to be optimized.

These neuromarketing trends are reflected in the use of technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in immersive shopping experiences. Companies like Ikea and Zara have used VR and AR to allow consumers to view products in their homes before purchasing, generating greater engagement and information retention, even increasing sales by 20%. “However, the implementation of these technologies presents challenges, such as the cost of development and ethical and privacy concerns,” warns Navarro.

Despite this, these new trends have become essential in the neuromarketing strategy, offering companies “a competitive advantage by differentiating themselves and satisfying the changing needs of consumers,” says Alegret.Principle of the form

The report indicates that the economic impact of neuromarketing is evident, since it is a developing discipline that uses medical techniques to analyze consumers' brain responses to stimuli, seeking to identify behavioral patterns that influence purchasing decisions. Companies such as L'Oréal, Sephora, Tesco and Ford have successfully applied neuromarketing, improving packaging, shopping experiences, store design and television advertisements, resulting in significant increases in sales.

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