Copywriting, the persuasion strategy that will boost your sales

The correct use of words can allow us to connect with readers, capture their attention and even encourage them to make a decision that benefits us. And this is what is known as the art of persuading

The key in sales as well as the goal of marketing strategies has always been persuasion. Everything that surrounds an advertising campaign is aimed at inducing, inciting or convincing people to consume a product.

This can be achieved through different tools such as the choice of colors, geometric shapes or even sympathy when relating to a consumer. However, in most cases it is necessary to accompany all these techniques with persuasive texts to complete the advertising campaigns.

This is where copywriting comes in, which is the process of preparing persuasive texts for marketing, advertising and sales campaigns, with the main objective of stimulating the reader to make a purchase.

Therefore, it was to be expected that psychology had to be used in developing copywriting techniques, since to persuade it is necessary to understand people's behavior and emotions.
Fundamental pillars of copywriting:

    It revolves around the user, since its main objective is to persuade him.
    The message must be clear, specific and concise to avoid distractions.
    Speak to a specific person, that is, personalize to engage the reader. Speaking in the plural makes us not feel identified.
    Simplify the message to make it easier to understand and prevent the complexity of the message from overwhelming users.
    Include persuasive elements such as “free”, “guaranteed” or “benefit”. They are words that generate an emotion in the reader and therefore capture their attention, keeping them alert and interested.
    Use calls to action or action calls that encourage users to perform an action that leads to the purchase or consumption of a service.

The benefits of copywriting go beyond the act of persuading, since it also makes it possible to establish a commitment between the client and the brand, provide credibility and improve the brand image by establishing an emotional connection with people.

In addition, copywriting allows you to position SEO content as well as increase the volume of sales since persuasive reading encourages purchase.

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