How to transform the customer experience during an event, from physical to digital

Findasense, a global agency integrated within Majorel during an event in real time.

This pioneering methodology created by Findasense, aims to provide real-time coverage and immediately interact with the audience, also allows flexibility to offer content in various formats and the development of constant monitoring of what happens on social networks. That is, obtain immediate insights about the reaction and participation of the audience during the event. The CX Live methodology has been successfully implemented in events of recognized brands such as Coca-Cola, Scotiabank, Wom, among others.

In the words of Teresa Martos, Regional Company Lead EMEA at Findasense, "we detected that there was a lack in terms of collecting immediate insights into the actions of our clients." This is the case and given this situation, "we developed CX Live with the objective of measuring the effectiveness of the message and adjusting the strategy in real time," adds Teresa Martos. "With this methodology we can make modifications on the fly, change the direction of the live broadcast or adapt participation according to audience patterns," says Christian Buelvas, Global Content Lead at Findasense. Through CX Live, you also access the KPI Evaluation in which metrics such as reach, interaction and audience retention are obtained. In this way, we can evaluate the performance of the event and, when setting objectives, allow them to be more detailed, precise and efficient.

This real-time coverage can include various types of content, such as videos, images, live broadcasts and text updates, allowing adaptations depending on the consumption preferences of various audiences.

"As a digitally native company focused on Customer Experience, we have created the CX Live methodology with the aim of simultaneously and collectively connecting people's emotions with events or experiences," says Teresa Martos.

Along the same lines, Christian Buelvas adds: "now we have a unique opportunity to connect and interact with the live audience." In addition, the Global Content Lead adds, "this includes the possibility of creating content in real time and depending on what happens during the event, also answering questions, surveys and comments instantly, generating an increase in participation and engagement."

The CX Live methodology does not lose sight of generating the best possible consumer experience. «As the event progresses and content is generated, our Intelligence team carries out constant monitoring that allows us to continue identifying opportunities or make decisions regarding the content already posted, always with our sights set on generating an excellent consumer experience. », concludes, Christian Buelvas, Global Content Lead.

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