Attention SEO expert: AI will drastically reduce traffic to websites

The use of specific keywords could lose relevance in the new SEO scenario posed by AI.

    Artificial intelligence will transform Internet search by providing answers directly with the “Search Generative Experience.”
    This requires a new SEO strategy focused on optimizing algorithms and digital platforms such as TikTok and YouTube.
    Brands will need to understand algorithms and focus on semantic relationship rather than specific keywords to maintain their online presence.


Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized several aspects of our lives in the last year, transforming everything from the way we create images to how we compose emails.

However, one of the fields where AI is having a major impact is in the search for information on the Internet. Although little noticed, it is going to remodel current web positioning systems.

Last May, Google introduced its “Search Generative Experience,” a new, improved experience for its AI-based search engine.

Although it is still in the testing phase, this innovation has already captured the attention of companies and digital marketing experts.

The most notable feature of this new search is that it will provide answers directly on the Google page, thanks to the ability of AI to collect information from various sources and present it as a single answer.

This change means that users will no longer need to make multiple queries or visit multiple web pages to get the information they are looking for.

What is the problem? This will necessarily result in a significant decrease in traffic to websites, since users will get complete answers without having to click on many links.

How SEO will change with AI

This evolution raises the need for a new online positioning strategy for companies.

While SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will remain relevant, its focus must change to adapt to the new way search results are presented.

Information will be organized and displayed differently, requiring algorithm optimization rather than search engines.

In this new digital landscape for SEO experts with the arrival of AI, the algorithms of social networks and digital platforms are gaining importance.

Many users, especially younger ones, turn to platforms like TikTok or YouTube to search for information instead of traditional search engines like Google.

This means that positioning strategies must be adapted to the unique characteristics of each platform, in addition to conventional search engines.

Specifically, in the future (or in the very near present), the generation of digital traffic to websites will largely depend on the optimization of the algorithms that govern these platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, as well as the new AI-powered search engines from Google and Microsoft.
Artificial Intelligence applied to marketing advertising AI dangers creativity SEO

New SEO strategies

Because of this, a brand's online presence will be affected by its understanding of the algorithms on these platforms.

For example, in the case of Google, topical authority, video content, user-generated content and reviews are expected to be valued, as well as the ability of websites to answer specific questions.

In contrast, the use of specific keywords could lose relevance, giving way to greater importance in the semantic relationship between terms related to a topic.

The future of SEO will also move towards optimizing content for conversational queries and specific keywords, reflecting how users interact with natural language searches.

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