This is how ubiquitous generative AI changes consumer purchasing rituals

The impact of generative AI on purchasing

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is having a major impact in practically all areas of consumer life, who also trust fashion technology (and its wise advice) when making purchases. The impact of AI on consumer purchasing rituals is precisely the central focus of the report “What matters to today’s consumers 2024” by Capgemini Research Institute.

In the study, Capgemini Research Institute interviewed 11,681 consumers in eleven different countries (including Spain) to determine how the hype currently swirling around generative AI is affecting consumer shopping habits. And the truth is that despite the fact that this "hype" is barely a year old, AI is already heavily leveraged today in consumer purchasing rituals.

Only 28% of consumers have not heard of or plan to use generative AI to obtain advice when making purchases. And while 19% are already aware of this trend but show no interest in using AI in their shopping sessions, the proportion of consumers who are aware of this trend and plan to implement it in the future is substantially higher. and it shoots up to 33%. In addition, 20% of consumers already actively use generative AI tools in their purchases.

The habits developed by those consumers who already make use of generative AI in their purchases demonstrate the phenomenal potential housed in the bowels of this technology as an advisor in shopping sessions. 66% of consumers in this group confess to being willing to buy new products and services recommended by generative AI. And 55% also claim that this technology is substantially improving their shopping experience.

Generation Z and millennials surrender to the charms of generative AI in shopping

As expected, centennials and millennials are very predominant among the “early adopters” of generative AI in purchasing. 56% of Gen Z and 61% of Millennials believe that generative AI tools can really add shine and splendor to their shopping experience. Among consumers assigned to Generation X this proportion is reduced to 52%. And only 43% of baby boomers are convinced of the potential of generative AI in the purchasing field.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that generative AI is already changing the online purchasing habits of those who make active use of this technology. Not in vain, 52% have already replaced traditional search engines with generative AI tools to obtain product recommendations. And 55% have also put such recommendations into practice. 55% of Generation Z and 57% of millennials have already purchased products recommended by generative AI.

Active users of generative AI in purchasing also provide companies with specific advice for the correct integration of this technology in their different communication channels. For example, 70% consider it vitally important that companies adequately inform them about generative AI tools before interacting with them. And 70% also want the option to contact real humans if their interaction with generative AI is not completely satisfactory.

On the other hand, the extensive use of generative AI over the last year has led consumers to become more aware of the ethical risks involved in this technology. 62% are concerned, for example, that generative AI can generate false testimonials and reviews.

Furthermore, fear of the spread of "deepfake" content, which makes distorted use of people's images both without their knowledge and without their consent, has doubled over the last year from 25% to 59%.

61% of consumers are also worried that companies can rely on generative AI to clone the designs and formulas of competing products.

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