The influence of digital transformation on business security.

The use of new technologies and digital media to materialize new experiences in digital transformation generate greater participation and commitment of users, although they simultaneously increase the dangers of digital fraud and information violation. This is revealed by an investigation carried out by the consulting firm Baufest, which verifies how innovative retail business models put firms at increasing risk for their operation.

Digital transformation in the retail sector
With the arrival and consolidation of the digital transformation in the retail sector, it is intended to respond to the divergences in terms of consumer needs and expectations. However, the immediacy of the changes are above security controls, since the wholesale chains, by generating an expansion in their digital infrastructures that improve their user experience, are at the same time falling into a possible attack.
Generally, it is a happening event in industries, although a number of essential challenges imply that there are cybersecurity risks in retail, leading to a more alarming scenario.
From the foregoing, the following can be deduced: each sector, computer, tablet, mobile device or Wi-Fi, can be tools that make the work of digital transformation teams more complex, so computer security in firms seeks to solvents each of the attack channels. Although transactions are usually executed through digital channels, storing data in cloud environments, all retailers are exposed to cyberattacks.

Companies are obliged to establish cybersecurity strategies or policies, for which it is key to give support to correct practices among workers; Likewise, have surveillance processes that may be essential to care for and eradicate the threats that cybercrime can create. On the other hand, the so-called data lakes of retail companies are usually attractive spaces, since they are traditionally providing super-confidential identity data, such as information regarding credit cards.
Considering some statistics from Interface, 84% of the cyberattacks that are executed in the industry have social engineering, system intrusion and attacks on basic apps. On the other hand, 87% of the experienced cases are usually external and 13% tend to be internal. When it comes to compromised information, 45% is made up of credentials, 27% to personal data, 25% to payment information, and 25% to other sources.

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