Google incorporates features and design changes in its search results.

Google introduces features and design elements in its search engine with the aim of making it easier to identify websites and companies at a glance. Thus, they will provide more context to the search results page, helping the user to make sense of the information they see.

With this update, the company wants to make Google Search a more intuitive and visual space, providing more information about the websites that the user sees so that they can feel safe about the pages they visit.
Site names to search locations
To do this, they will add site names to search results on mobile devices, so they can be more easily identified. They're also updating the size and shape of the favicon (a website's logo or icon) that appears in search, to make it easier to see and identify. These two modifications will be expanded with the intention of increasing clarity and transparency for advertisers.
Along with the names and favicons, the company has also announced changes to the identification tag of the ads. So the tag will now appear on its own line in the top left corner of Search ads. When ads are displayed in mobile search results they will be marked with the word "Sponsored" in bold, black text. This new tag and its prominent position continues to meet the high standards they have set to distinguish themselves from search results and builds on their existing efforts to clarify information about paid content.
These modifications will begin to be incorporated between users gradually on mobile devices. After this, they will begin to test a similar experience on computers, in order to more easily find what they are looking for, regardless of where it is done.


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