A problem as a starting point in Marketing and Advertising.

In the world of marketing and advertising, the starting point when approaching a project is of great importance. Its study, analysis and in-depth understanding is essential to be able to respond to the objectives it sets.

It is necessary to transform the problem of a company into a problem or a desire of the consumer to be able to solve it and thus make it something relevant and striking for him. This is due to the fact that in the world we live in, there is constant competition for the attention of the audience and therefore one has to be sure that what one wants to say is really important for the viewer.

Thus, relevance becomes the vehicle in which the message will travel and in this, the starting point has a lot to say.

Without a problem to solve, it will be difficult for you to have a strategy because, in the end, a strategy is nothing more than a roadmap on how to approach a problem and how to solve it.
The brand problem, the consumer problem and its solution

The problem that the brand faces is threefold: firstly, the problem of relevance since a brand plays by itself within a broad category and it is essential to constantly pay attention to this fact; second, the problem of differentiation, since competitors are offering an identical or similar product or service and it is necessary to differentiate from a non-rational perspective; and thirdly, the product problem, since many people can opt for any of the same category due to different reasons, thinking that it is more beneficial or satisfactory.

This problem does not matter to ordinary people, so it must be transformed into a consumer problem or tension so that, in some way, it does catch their attention and thus provide a solution from the brand itself to be externally relevant.

In this sense, the consumer's problem is a factor that is relevant to him and can click in his mind to decide to consume one product or another in the market. In other words, if the brand does not solve a business problem, such as one of those mentioned above, the consumer does not care and will not care until the experts in the field give it a spin to make it attractive to them.

The best marketing is the one that solves problems of others and not of the brand itself

As mentioned before, today's customers are aware that they have countless places and products to choose from, and this is a challenge for brands. That's why marketers no longer use consumers to solve brand problems, but use them to solve their own. These experts carry it out through the empathy necessary to know that those whom they aspire to sell or serve do not want the same, do not believe the same and do not care the same.

The key role of this marketer today is to understand that people do not want them to seek to offer, but the emotions that they can make them feel: establish relationships, tell stories and create experiences.

The feelings offered by a product or service of the same category are absolutely the same, however, they appear different depending on how it is told or transmitted. If you manage to give someone a feeling of belonging, relationship with others, peace of mind or any of their most desired emotions, you will have done something worthwhile.

What is sold is just a way to get these emotions to flourish in the public and the two questions that should guide you are 'who is this for?' and 'what is this for?'.

That is why, in order to solve business or brand problems, they must first be transformed into problems for the consumer and thus capture their attention and be able to solve them at the root.
The importance of the promise

Part of marketing has to do with designing a promise related to the change that is intended to be achieved and is directed at the people who want to change. For this, you have to choose clients according to their dreams, beliefs and desires (deeply empathize with them) and not because of their appearance or other superficial issues.

A good professional must be curious about the world around him, wondering about people's daily struggles, what motivates them, their dreams and beliefs. You should be aware that advertising doesn't necessarily get attention, but what you can expect is that people will willingly exchange their attention. This is because maybe not everyone will be interested, but if you do a good job, you will get the right people interested.

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