6 recommendations for SMEs to increase sales of delicate products.

The pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated the growth of e-commerce and online sales. Thus, more traditional sectors that had not digitized their business for this new global context were forced to completely transform their sales services. This has facilitated all kinds of shipments, especially delicate products such as alcohol, perfumes and fragile materials, which are increasingly easier to ship while guaranteeing the conditions of the product itself.

So much so that the sectors have redoubled their commitment to digitization, they are already receiving benefits from their investment. Thus, according to data from the National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics (Stanpa), between 2019 and 2020 the growth of the online sales channel increased by 54%. On the other hand, online alcohol sales will also grow over the next four years, by 66% according to a recent IWSR report. In this sense, Hubo, one of the fastest growing fulfillment providers in the United Kingdom, highlights the 6 keys so that SMEs can also send their delicate products.

1. Understand the demand
The first step in any company that wants to start selling delicate products online is to understand their customers, their consumption habits and trends in their market and abroad, in order to determine where the sales come from and design sourcing and expansion plans accordingly. consequence. Although to take the first steps for some companies, the data they have at their fingertips is limited, so the use of data from the online market can also help them.

2. Plan logistics
Once you've determined your target audience and understood the demand, the next step is to figure out how to get your product to customers via the fastest and most cost-effective transportation routes. A third-party logistics provider will give e-commerce businesses the expertise they need to map the best transportation routes and get their products into the hands of consumers faster, helping them meet the important 2-3 day delivery criteria needed to local. However, not all suppliers are created equal and it is imperative to select a supplier that has access to centrally located distribution centers, or even several, across Europe, as this will allow them to store stock in locations with easy access to routes. more viable transportation.

3. Trust specialized companies
A trusted logistics partner can also secure a distribution network of trusted local couriers, allowing them to strike the right balance of speed, service, and affordability for every order placed. Essential considering that many established couriers on the market do not carry most fragile goods as they may not be equipped to handle hazardous materials or prepared to perform the necessary identification checks at the point of delivery , which means that SMEs can find themselves in a bind when it comes to finding a distributor of their merchandise at a reasonable price.

4. Comply with the regulation
Premises licences, bond and exercise rights and VAT registration are just some of the legal requirements for SMEs looking to sell in Spain and Europe, and even within the EU, countries differ hugely in terms of their regulations. and regulations. Despite this, the more complex regulatory environment need not stand in the way of a business opportunity. That is why outsourcing fulfillment services will give SMEs access to external consultants who can help them understand the specific requirements of each country and comply with the necessary documentation to ensure that their company complies with all the requirements.

5. Give importance to fulfillment
The impression that a customer has of a company will not only be based on the quality of the product, but also on the speed and reliability of delivery, as well as the condition of the products upon arrival. Every interaction with a customer, whether new or returning, is critical, and SMBs stand to lose potential and repeat customers if their product arrives late or in poor condition. Fulfillment is an integral part of any successful brand launch and should be integrated into expansion planning from the outset to give companies the best chance of national and European success.

6. Bet on good packaging
One of the main barriers to shipping sensitive materials is not having the correct packaging or that it is not optimized for the products being shipped. For this reason, the best option is to have carried out tests on the different types of packaging available for these products to know their durability, as well as to pack them by hand to ensure that each product is well protected before it is shipped. Finally, the packages must be correctly labeled to prevent the products from breaking during transport.

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