Instagram offers AI-powered chatbots to big influencers

A program in Meta testing called Creator A.I. aspires to solve the biggest problem inherent to having a large community of followers, which is serving it without taking up too much time.

As confirmed by several people familiar with the project to The New York Times, the company is offering them the option to “chat” in an optimized way with their audiences on Instagram, both through internal messaging and in the future in the comments, thanks to a chatbot. enabled by artificial intelligence. And always based on guidelines of their “voice” that make these interactions natural and recognizable for those fans.

According to the same sources, the platform would use to train these processes the interventions selected by the creators themselves from the text of regular publications, direct messages, comments or audios that are part of Reels or Stories. And influencers could also predefine specific answers to specific questions, which would help them more efficiently manage frequently asked questions from their followers. The program is in its early stages of development but was recently moved to popular creators and agencies by Eva Chen, director of fashion deals, with its possible access schedule unclear.

Its eventual expansion would integrate into Instagram a technology that some agencies and third-party tools have already been offering influencers for some time to respond to messages on Facebook and Instagram with as little effort as possible. And the development is also in line with a first batch of avatars powered by artificial intelligence whose appearance is based on that of famous personalities such as Kendall Jenner or Mr Beast, in progress since October last year. At the moment the data does not suggest that they enjoy acceptance even remotely similar to that of the celebrities they imitate.

     Meta would internally integrate a capability that third-party agencies and tools are already offering to those who want to optimize their time spent responding to followers.

In any case, more details about this proposal could emerge in the coming weeks. Sources consulted by The New York Times confirm that in recent days some creators are receiving an invitation to attend an event that will take place in New York in May, with artificial intelligence as a key topic. At that event, Meta plans to show the products it is developing using this technology, which in the case of Instagram is serving to boost the length of stay of its users thanks to the content recommendation system it powers.

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