The most demanded profiles in digital marketing

These are the 10 most in-demand profiles in digital marketing

Digital marketing has become one of the disciplines with the most job opportunities. Nowadays, most companies have a marketing department, whether internal or external, and within each of them there are various profiles, which makes digital marketing one of the most in-demand professions.

In this sense, Windup, a digital marketing agency and school in Malaga with nearly 10 years of experience that has allowed it to know the market very well, has shared a ranking with the 10 most in-demand profiles in the digital marketing sector based on what the companies themselves say they look for when contacting the agency, thus concluding with the following profiles as the most in demand:

Digital Marketing Technician
This is presented as the first step to start in the digital marketing sector. A digital marketing technician is a professional highly trained in the use of digital tools and techniques to manage company communication and perform marketing tasks such as advertising, SEO or social networks. All of this in order to boost sales, generate contacts and increase brand awareness through compliance with the objectives set in the strategy.

SEO Specialist
SEO or Search Engine Optimization has the function of positioning a website among the first results in search engines through organic content and internal and external links.

SEM Specialist
This professional is in charge of creating, administering and managing paid campaigns to improve a brand's position in search engines in order to increase conversions.

Content specialist
This professional must create, coordinate and edit valuable content to provide interest and knowledge to the target audience. Therefore, his work is aimed at defining the company's content plan and the strategy to follow.

Community Manager
This is one of the most demanded and recognized outlets for digital marketing. He is the person in charge of building and managing the online community and managing the identity and brand image, creating and maintaining stable and lasting relationships with clients.

Social Media Manager
It is common to think that this position is equivalent to that of Community Manager. The truth is that these profiles are complementary and linked, but this has a job beyond the management of actions on networks. One of its main functions is the creation and development of digital marketing strategies and campaigns on social networks.

Web designer
The web designer is the person who brings together the knowledge to create a web page with the requirements and features necessary for its proper functioning. In addition, its designer function allows you to create a personalized visual appearance and give it a differentiating value from the rest.

Data analyst
It is responsible for collecting, processing and interpreting data sets through analysis tools and techniques, in order to provide useful information to help make intelligent business decisions.

Graphic designer
Graphic designers are those professionals who are in charge of creating the image and aesthetic style of a company, since this is the way in which they will be made known and users will be able to identify the brand through its visual comunication.

Email Marketing Specialist
This specialist is in charge of all a company's email marketing campaigns, from their creation to the analysis of the results. Among its functions are: list creation, management and segmentation, lead nurturing, email creation, content and campaign analysis. Although email marketing often goes unnoticed in a digital marketing strategy, it has been shown to have a positive impact on the return on investment for a business.

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