YouTube dispenses with the stories format and accelerates its decline before the short video

As previously done by Twitter or LinkedIn, YouTube has announced that it will stop offering the stories format as an option to its creators. That end will be effective as of June 26 and the decision is justified by internal data that shows lower interaction on these types of publications, especially compared to short videos that the service wants to promote more and more. The decision marks a new turning point in the decline of stories, which since its creation by Snapchat and its cloning on Instagram became a standard that is now in recession due to the push of the new narrative driven by TikTok. .

In the case of YouTube, the stories have never had a particularly defined fit since their launch in 2017. They were enabled for creators who accredited more than 10,000 subscribers, without the platform ever reaching general access. And furthermore, its low adoption is partly explained by the wide acceptance of community posts, which allow greater flexibility in terms of content promotion, comment dissemination or quick communication between a creator and their followers. In fact, its success has led YouTube to lower the activation requirement until it has more than 500 subscribers.

In any case, the story format remains one of the great attractions of Instagram, which achieved a notable injection of use and popularity with its application. But that social network is working, like TikTok, in an increasing inclusion of its commitment to short videos, called Reels, and from sources not necessarily followed by each user. The consumer results are being positive, as revealed by Meta in its latest results presentation: shared pieces have doubled in six months to more than 2,000 million and increased the time spent in the application by 24% thanks to recommendations driven by artificial intelligence . And even monetization has improved by more than 30% in just three months.
The largest video platform follows in the wake of Twitter or LinkedIn and rejects what until a few years ago was the most immediate new multimedia consumption standard on the Internet.
This is a key aspect in which the eventual transition from one format to another is a challenge, since stories offer the advantage that advertising can be inserted between different slides with photos or videos of the same presentation. This possible attention is partly lost in the consumption of short videos, which are also monetized worse than long ones because the usual advertising formats cannot be introduced before or after they are viewed.

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